The elimination of workplace sexual harassment is essential to improve safety, diversity and productivity of employees. This Anti Sexual Harassment Policy (“this Policy”) is published by Aerodyne Group or Aerodyne (as defined hereafter) in its commitment to provide safe working environment for its employees and correspondences against any forms of sexual harassment.
Any person found to have sexually harassed another will face disciplinary action including dismissal from employment. All complaints of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and treated with respect and in confidence. No employees will be victimised for making such a complaint.
This Policy is published and disseminated for the following objectives;
to define and identify workplace sexual harassment conducts/acts;
to create awareness and empower employees about information on sexual harassment;
to outline procedures when filing for a sexual harassment complaint;
to outline investigation procedures in receipt of a sexual harassment complaint;
to outline considerations when deciding appropriate measures in case of any violations of this Policy.
This Policy has a wide implementation across all business transactions within Aerodyne. As we strive to create safer workspaces in every aspect, we have considered on the following scopes of implementation:
Aerodyne Group/Aerodyne
This Policy applies to Aerodyne Ventures Sdn Bhd (201801002751 (1264764-P) and any/all entity whether incorporated or unincorporated, that is within its control or common control and operates within the territories of Malaysia.
Aerodyne defines ‘complainant’ as anyone who lodged a complaint against alleged perpetrator for being subjected to acts of sexual harassment as defined under this Policy. Aerodyne recognises that anyone can be subjected to conducts of sexual harassment in any forms regardless of their sex and/or gender identity. Sexual harassment can also happen on a wide variety of dynamics where complainants may be perpetrator’s opposite-sex, same-sex, subordinate, supervisors, managers, employees, employers, colleagues, and even external correspondences.
Alleged Perpetrator/Perpetrator
Aerodyne defines respectively ‘alleged perpetrators’ or ‘perpetrators’ (used interchangeably) as anyone who allegedly commits or commits acts of sexual harassment as defined under this Policy.
Aerodyne recognises that 'perpetrators' of sexual harassment can be of any sex and/of gender identity and that everyone including employees at every management level can commit sexual harassment.
Time, Place & Medium
This Policy is implemented within and outside of working hours which also covers commission of sexual harassment at any locations. This Policy also extends to communications made through internet platforms, tele-communication, video conferences, chat groups, e-mails and any other communication platforms.
Sexual harassment can be defined as any unwelcoming conduct(s) that is sexual in nature. Sexual harassment makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated that include situations where a person is asked to engage in sexual activities as a condition of the person's employment, as well as situations which create an environment which is hostile, intimidating or humiliating for the receipt.
## Policy Statement
Aerodyne Group is committed to providing a safe working environment free from sexual harassment. This policy aims to:
- Define and identify workplace sexual harassment
- Create awareness about sexual harassment
- Outline procedures for filing and investigating complaints
- Specify appropriate measures for policy violations
Any person found to have sexually harassed another will face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. All complaints will be taken seriously and treated confidentially. No employee will be victimized for making a complaint.
## Scope
This policy applies to:
- All Aerodyne Group entities operating in Malaysia
- Employees at all levels
- Contractors, clients, customers and visitors
- Conduct occurring in and outside of work hours
- Communications via any medium (in-person, online, phone, etc.)
## Definition of Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It can be:
- Physical (e.g. inappropriate touching)
- Verbal (e.g. sexual comments or jokes)
- Non-verbal (e.g. leering, displaying offensive materials)
- Written or visual
- Psychological
Examples include:
- Unwelcome physical contact or advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Sexually colored remarks
- Showing pornography
- Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature
## Complaint Procedure
1. Complainant fills out Complaint Form with incident details
2. Form submitted to Anti-Sexual Harassment (ASH) Committee
3. ASH Committee assigns an Incident Investigation Unit (IIU)
4. IIU investigates complaint within 7 days
5. IIU submits findings to People Experience (PX) department
6. PX determines guilt and recommends resolution
7. Outcome communicated to complainant and alleged perpetrator
## Investigation Process
- ASH Committee forms 3-person IIU from trained pool
- IIU gathers evidence, takes statements from parties involved
- Investigation conducted privately and confidentially
- IIU submits investigation notes to PX
- PX reviews evidence and determines guilt
- PX recommends appropriate resolution based on severity
## Resolutions
Resolutions may include:
- Verbal/written warning
- Adverse performance evaluation
- Reduction in wages
- Transfer/reassignment
- Demotion
- Suspension
- Dismissal
Severity is classified as High Risk, Medium-High Risk, Medium Risk, or Low Risk.
## Confidentiality
All complaints and investigations will be handled confidentially. Information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis.
## Protection Against Retaliation
Retaliation against complainants is strictly prohibited. This includes demotion, salary reduction, poor performance reviews, exclusion from activities, etc.
## Policy Enforcement
The ASH Committee and IIU are responsible for policy enforcement, complaint investigation, and resolution recommendations.